Friday, December 13, 2013

Clear cached Windows credentials

To manually clear any credentials cached on a Windows server or a workstation, go to command prompt and type

control keymgr.dll

From the window that opens, clear out any credentials you no longer need

Fun with Workflow Manager and SharePoint 2013

I've spent almost 2 days troubleshooting a pesky problem with Worklow Manager 1.1 and SharePoint 2013. I'll be honest, not  a big fan....product seems to be very finicky and not very well documented.

I was able to create the workflow farm using self-issued SSL certificate thanks to the truly outstanding blog by Spence Harbar that goes into great details on the inner workings of the product.

My issue was that after successfully connecting the workflow and SharePoint farms, I was able to create but not execute any 2013 style workflows. Workflows kept timing out with "canceled" status.

The actual error was:
"HTTP Unauthorized to ............sp.utilitity.ResolvePrincipalInCurrentContext"

After digging, turns out WF uses information from the user profile in order to authenticate the user. However, my UPS service app was running, UPS service was  up, and I was able to find the profile itself in the profile store. This is the sequence of steps that  fixed it for me:

1. Disconnect SharePoint farm from workflow farm: I usually delete the workflow service proxy in Central administration and any entries I see in the Security > Trusts (only the GUID-named one(s))

2. Delete and recreate the User Profile Service App

3. Recreate the AD import connection and re-import all user profiles (wait until this step completes before moving on)

4. Reboot all SharePoint and Workflow servers

5. Reconnect SharePoint to Workflow using "Register-SPWorkflowService......" use -force parameter here as the WF farm already has entry for your SharePoint farm

Finally, crack open SharePoint Designer 2013 and create new simple workflow to test (site or list based). I usually just get the simplest I can, such as manually kick one off, log message to the workflow history list and go to gets brain dead doing this 50 times while troubleshooting :).

Problem fixed, workflows are now executing. Hope this helps someone out there.